TrueFire presents Jimmy Reiter's
Soul Guitar Guidebook

Bei der Internet-Gitarren-Plattform "TrueFire" unterrichten so bekannte Leute wie Larry Carlton, Robben Ford, Tommy Emmanuel und Co. Da musste ich nicht wahnsinnig lange überlegen, als ich gebeten wurde, für solch eine renommierte Firma einen Videokurs zum Thema "Soul Gitarre" zu machen.
Also habe ich mich hingesetzt und jede Menge Material geschrieben, aufgenommen und notiert, um dann mit Produzent Matthieu Brandt das "Soul Guitar Guidebook" auf die Beine zu stellen.
Auf der TrueFire Website gibt es den kompletten Kurs als Video-Stream, Download und als (Daten-)DVD. Die DVD gibt es übrigens auch auf meiner Website im Shop.
Der Kurs ist zwar komplett auf Englisch, aber ich könnte mir vorstellen, daß man auch ohne perfekte Sprachkenntnisse zurecht kommt. Die Musik, die Noten und Tabulaturen sind ja relativ international.
Ich arbeite aber nichtsdestotrotz an einer Übersetzung, die ich dann ggf. als Buch + CD und/oder Ebook + MP3-Download veröffentlichen will. Bei meinem derzeitigen Arbeitstempo rechne ich mit einer Veröffentlichung um 2034. Ich halte ich Euch auf dem Laufenden.
Schaut doch mal in den Kurs rein! Ich freue mich über Kommentare, Anregungen usw. (das schließt "Kritik" allerdings aus, damit kann ich nicht umgehen).
Also, übt fleißig, aber bitte nicht soviel, daß Ihr mir dann die Gigs wegnehmt!
Und wenn Euch das "Soul Guitar Guidebook" gefallen hat, könnte ich mir vorstellen, daß Euch auch das "Soul Guitar Guidebook Vol. 2" interessiert!
Soul Guitar Guidebook
The seminal guitar work of Steve Cropper, Johnny "Guitar" Watson, Bobby Womack, Cornell Dupree, Reggie Young and other majorly soulful guitar innovators has influenced virtually every future generation of blues, funk, rock, R&B and pop players.
If your ears perk up, your feet start tapping, and your hands automatically reach for your guitar every time you hear a soul classic, then you’re a bonafide soul man and Jimmy Reiter’s Soul Guitar Guidebook is your key to a lifetime of six-string happiness.
Comin' to ya on a dusty road
Good lovin' I got a truck load
And when you get it, you got something
So don't worry 'cause I'm coming
I'm a soul man.
Jimmy was lead guitarist with US Blues singer/harmonica player Doug Jay for over ten years. He’s also played with numerous international artists on their European tours. Jimmy released High Priest Of Nothing in 2011, as his solo debut as a front man. The CD won the German Record Critics' Award and launched his career as a bandleader and frontman. We’re very proud to welcome Jimmy to the family with his first TrueFire course, the Soul Guitar Guidebook.
”In the Soul Guitar Guidebook, I’ll show you all of the crucial elements of soul guitar and how to establish your spot in the groove to create that great Memphis soul and New Orleans R&B vibe. We'll explore key concepts to help you develop your own soul guitar sound, such as mixing up major and minor scales, using open intervals, short fills, and the essential right hand techniques. You’ll be able to apply these soul guitar skills to whatever musical styles you love to play.”
In the first section of the course, Jimmy guides you through five key concepts and techniques of Soul Guitar: Rhythm Guitar, Right Hand Techniques, Scales, Double Stops, and the bVII-IV-I Progression.
In the second section, you’ll play your way through 10 performance studies applying the key concepts and techniques from the first section. Jimmy demonstrates all of the performance studies over jam tracks and then breaks them down emphasizing the techniques you’ll need to play them.
Patio Boogaloo - ”This funky groove, often heard in soul and R&B music, is called a boogaloo. This example will give you a few ideas for using double stops and the Mixolydian scale to play a solo that's a bit more interesting than a conventional minor pentatonic solo. Check out Magic Sam's You Belong To Me or Shotgun by Jr. Walker & The All Stars for great examples of this kind of groove.”
Jim-Pli-Fied 1 & 2 - ”This is a song from my album Told You So, called Jim-Pli-Fied. The idea was to create a Meters style song with a nice groove and some cool guitar/organ interplay. The second half of the song has a solo over the I chord, followed by a short bridge and one last head section.”
Johnny’s in the Ghetto - ”I love I minor - IV major grooves. Donny Hathaway's The Ghetto is a fantastic example, and if you're not familiar with him, do yourself a favor and check out his albums Live and Everything Is Everything. They are milestones in music history as far as I'm concerned and feature some stellar guitar playing by guys like Cornell Dupree and Phil Upchurch. In this lesson, you can learn what blues/funk guitar master Johnny Guitar Watson might have played in a song like this.”
Crescent City Rhumba - ”A very typical groove from New Orleans is the rhumba, as played by piano legends such as Professor Longhair or Dr. John. I like to steal some of their licks every once in a while to use in my guitar solos. A New Orleans guitar player definitely worth checking out is a guy called Snooks Eaglin. He could play anything from blues to soul and funk, and had a very unique style. You'll hear a few of his licks in this lesson as well.”
Ballad for Robert - ”Soul guitarist and singer Robert Ward was born in Georgia in 1938, who formed a band called The Ohio Untouchables after moving to Ohio in 1960. Sometime in the 70's, he disappeared from the music scene and was rediscovered in 1990 by Black Top Records, for which he recorded a couple of albums as well as one for Delmark before his passing in 2008. He had a very unique style and sound; part of the reason being the Magnatone amplifier that he was using with its great sounding vibrato effect. In this lesson, I'll show you some of his trademark licks.”
Sho’ Nuff in Love - ”Soul guitar players are not usually known for playing endless solos, but for fills and little licks in between the vocal lines. Soul guitar parts usually feature a nice chord progression and lots of double stop licks. Check out Bobby Womack and Reggie Young on some of Wilson Pickett's soul classics to hear this in action.”
No Return 1 & 2 - ”No Return is a soul guitar ballad with an A and B section. It has some nice chord changes and a solo that uses the chords and their individual notes for some interesting licks. I think guys like Cornell Dupree might have played something similar in a song like this.”
Sun Hill Soul - ”Great songs don't need more than two chords! Two chords might not leave you with a huge tonal variety for your solo, but that doesn't mean you can't make it interesting! Using dynamics and playing some nice soul double stops will get you a long way. The backing track to this song is of course inspired by Etta James' classic I'd Rather Go Blind.”
All of the performance studies are tabbed and notated for your practice, reference and study purposes. You’ll also get Guitar Pro files so that you can play, loop and/or slow down the tab and notation as you work through the lessons. Plus, Jimmy generously includes all of the jam tracks for you to work with on your own.
Grab your guitar and let’s get soulful with Jimmy Reiter!